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 Here are some tips and ballpark guidelines to ensure everyone has a great day at Southport Little League! 

1.     Have fun!

2.     Always practice the Parent/Volunteer Pledge:

I will teach all children to play fair and do their best

I will positively support all managers, coaches, and players

I will respect the decisions of the umpires

I will praise a good effort despite the outcome of the game

3.       SLL Is a smoke free and tobacco free facility.  This includes E-cigarettes and Vapes – Smoking is strictly prohibited in the church parking lot

4.       Alcohol is not permitted anywhere on SLL grounds

5.       NO PETS.  No dogs, cats, reptiles, etc.  We love animals and pets, but our facilities and insurance provider do not.  Please understand, you will be asked to immediately remove them from our property.  Failure to do so may result in your entire party being ejected.
a.       SERVICE ANIMALS are welcome

6.       We expect our Board Members, Umpires, Volunteers, Coaches, Players, and Fans to always be respectful to each other.  We are here for the kids.  Failure to be respectful always, will result in removal from the ballpark. 

7.       We have ZERO TOLERANCE for BULLYING.  If you suspect bullying is occurring, please send an email to [email protected] so we may address the concern promptly.

8.       Parking is available in our gravel parking lot at the corner of McFarland Rd and Anniston Dr OR in the corner of Southport Heights Christian Church – PLEASE enter the church parking lot off Pine St.  The church is gracious enough to let us use their parking lot, so please do not litter and keep the gravel from our walkway off their asphalt. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the church parking lot
a.       **Please be mindful when you are entering and exiting either parking area. Be aware - children are everywhere!**

9.       Bicycle, skateboards, motorized vehicles, etc. are not allowed to be ridden on our property.  If you or your child ride a bike, please keep them in one of the available parking longs listed above.  If you park your bike in the church parking lot, please do not attach it to their light posts.  You may chain it to one of our fences. 

10.   What if it rains or is hot outside?  Southport Little League, the safety of your ballplayer and your family are extremely important to us. Each year, there are times when we must make difficult choices to ensure this safety.  Currently, we observe the following weather policy:
a.       If lightning and/or thunder is present, all players and their families will be asked to return to their vehicles.
b.       Games will not be played if the ACTUAL outside temps exceed 100° and/or Games will not be played if the heat index exceeds 110°

11.   The success of our organization is dependent upon the efforts of everyone involved.  To provide the best experience for our players – YOUR CHILDREN, the league asks that all parents be as generous as possible with their time and effort.  Without you and your help, we can’t make this happen!  We are in it for the kids and hope that everyone has fun!


Concession Schedules have been assigned to teams.  Please talk to you coach for more information.


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